Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Install debian lenny on my Toshiba Satellite M300 P4317

Laptop specification:

LCD Size 14.1
RESOLUTION 1,280 x 800
Weight 2.35kg
RAM 1024MB DDR2 SDRAM (upgraded to 3GB)
Webcam YES
CPU Model Intel® CoreTM2 Duo Processor T8600 (2.26GHz, 3MB L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB)
Video ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 up to 893MB total available graphics -128MB dedicated
ODD DVD SuperMulti Double Layer Drive (DVD ± RW/RAM) with LabelFlashTM Technology
Wireless LAN Intel® WiFi Link 5100AGN (802.11agn)
LAN 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit LAN
Card Reader 5-in-1 Card Reader
Bluetooth Bluetooth V2.1 w/ Enhanced Data Rate

Steps summary:

1. Download a 1 cd image debian-504-amd64-xfce+lxde-CD-1.iso from (netinstall failed on me earlier, because i choose a dead mirror. But maybe my net is down too, not really sure ) LXDE is openbox-based windows manager.

2. Installation is straight forward, during partitioning, choose manual and delete my previous ubuntu partition, / (root). no need to delete /swap 1.5G (half of your total ram, i think) . After delete it, create /home 28G and / 6.5G. Commit changes.

3. Around 400+ packages get installed. Disable the network update because i'm a paranoid. After finished, rebooted.

swordfish@protoss-emperor:~$ uname -a;date;uptime
Linux protoss-emperor 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 12 22:12:20 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Wed Feb 24 14:02:41 MYT 2010
14:02:41 up 13:52, 5 users, load average: 0.12, 0.28, 0.19

4. Panic attack, because i get a black screen, but i can hear the login menu sound. Ctrl+Alt+F1 and tried to restart gdm from tty1, still no display. Damn. Check on my dad's laptop, looks like it's a problem with the default setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. My config file is a blank template! lol.

5. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list. Commented the cdrom sources. Add some proper sources.

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official amd64 xfce+lxde-CD Binary-1 20100131-22:54]/ lenny main

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 _Lenny_ - Official amd64 xfce+lxde-CD Binary-1 20100131-22:54]/ lenny main

deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free

# Testing
deb lenny main contrib non-free
# Testing Sources
deb-src lenny main contrib non-free
#deb testing/updates main

deb lenny main

#deb lenny/updates main
#deb-src lenny/updates main

# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb lenny/volatile main
# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb-src lenny/volatile main

Refer this: multimedia/backport

6. Install ssh-server. ssh in from my dad's laptop, so i can refer to the guide from his laptop. Compile and install proprietary ATI driver . Restart gdm. Saw the login screen :D Pheww.

7. ntfs-3g for my NTFS ext drives and vista partitions

7.5. Rsync /home ( i don't have a separate /home before, so i backup it into my ext hdd)

8. Install wicd, lightweight connection manager if you want

9. Remove faulty kernel ( i tried to get my wireless working by compiling a new kernel, but it hosed up my display, crash on loading gdm) dpkg --purge linux-image-NNN

10. Install flash apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ( for facebook fishville :D )

11. Pidgin. apt ( for useless chit chat)

12. Japanese/korean fonts (for my addiction) - apt-get install ttf-sazanami-mincho - apt-get install ttf-unfonts

13. Mplayer from apt ( i'm really suprised, what a solid build :O)

14. Turn off terminal beep (because it's annoying :P)

15. Change default browser (if you want google-chrome or opera)

16. Clickable irssi links (for irc addiction). Get rxvt-unicode

17. Music! Get herrie cli-based mp3 player with support apt

18. Etc etc - more lxde compatible apps

19. Compiling packages (i need notecase for my notes, read the readme.txt for additional packages needed)

20. Still needs some more apps for my likings. All the above would be sufficient for normal daily use. Enjoy your debian!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

matahari 10

Hari ni try install solaris 10 dalam virtualbox kat ubuntu aku ( otai2 panggil obontot). Option no 3 desktop console, aku pakai no 4, console jugak tapi dah lupa nama apa. Pakai default option lambat sikit, sebab gui. Mula2 aku install full package. Lama gak tunggu nak habis.

Tips nak bagi cepat install:

1. Pilih no networking - aku rasa dia akan scan network utk check update, masa 1st install aku pakai gui, macam hang kejap dekat sini.

Lepas aku install 1st time, aku delete balik harddisk. Tapi sebelum tu aku tanya burung:

19:33 <@ b> svcs |grep cde
19:33 <@ w> aku dah delete dah harddisk die
19:33 <@ w> ahahahaa
19:33 <@ b> nanti kau nampak cde-login , pastu kau disable kan svcadm disable
19:33 <@ b> chait

Ah, cepat sangat tangan mendelete. Takpe, install balik. Kali ni pilih full jugak, lepas tu edit packages, buang semua gui (gnome,cde,xwindows) staroffice, evolution, firefox, dll. Pilih zfs, sebab nak testing. Setting lain semua straight forward, macam region, local, timezone etc. Dah habis install, dia akan unmount cd pastu reboot. Kalau korang dah pilih auto untuk dua-dua tu, biar je dia reboot.

Bila boot balik, macam lama skit loading. Ram aku letak 512MB, sebab tu slow skit. Ok, dah siap. Login. Default shell tak sure plak ape, cam tak best. Pakai bash, senang. Tapi ada problem sket. takde pipe | . Memang pening la. Nak kena remap balik layout. Key lain semua betul, kalau tekan pipe keluar ~. Haha. Ok, cukup dulu. Nanti aku sambung.